Saturday 29 November 2008

I woke up at 2pm!

I’ve been going to sleep at ridiculous times lately and then waking up really early.
I felt like I was sleep walking everywhere never really waking up properly. So I had a early night last night….then had a lye in too.
13 Hours in Bed Total.

I feel amazing at the moment.

I did find when I got up there was no food in the house however.
But now there is looooads and I'm very happy.

Last night I had a sudden craving for Armored Core, that has always sort of been there and always will it was just semi-dormant. However, I have lots of work to do. So I needed a outlet for it without actually playing the games, cause then nothing would ever get done.


Fuck yeah!

I found a way.

They are amazing Soundtracks, i suggest you all go get them right now. In fact, no I suggest you listen to them. I’m blinded by the fact I grew up on these games.

Speaking of Soundtracks, i got two others that are really good.









All Ace Combat OST’s are amazing, all of them!
And Fable, Fable is just Awesome I especially like the Bowerstone music.

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