Sunday 28 December 2008

Hey Matt! I fear we overdid it….

Just a little bit.

Ah well, at least we out leveled Charlee and John, which btw if your reading this. Hi! Catch up slowpoke.

The steel wall formally known as ‘Zealot’ bids you adieu steelwall

Lul floating shields.

Oh and, matt you best be on tomorrow.
I kind of went on ahead without you.




Monday 1 December 2008

Armored Core

Speaking of Armored Core (Like i have in possibly every post i’ve made so far)

I now want a PSP.
Purely for this.

Well that and,

I grew up on those games.
I can’t believe I didn’t know they were both on PSP.



Then again i need a new phone.
So it’s. 1

Damn it I hate decisions.
Lucky for me I get a Christmas bonus soon, so I can get both.
But still.

Oh also I found this.

Best picture I've seen in days.

I hate Rigging.

And I mean I really hate it.
Possibly the most fiddly part of 3D Modeling and it’s all really fiddly.

I’m quite font of this, possibly due to this video.

(Completely due to that video if I'm honest, it’s burned into mind to remind of Armored Cores, and I love Armored Cores)

I would quite like a Instrumental version, i think the song with no singing could possibly be better, and i like instrumental versions.

Saturday 29 November 2008

I woke up at 2pm!

I’ve been going to sleep at ridiculous times lately and then waking up really early.
I felt like I was sleep walking everywhere never really waking up properly. So I had a early night last night….then had a lye in too.
13 Hours in Bed Total.

I feel amazing at the moment.

I did find when I got up there was no food in the house however.
But now there is looooads and I'm very happy.

Last night I had a sudden craving for Armored Core, that has always sort of been there and always will it was just semi-dormant. However, I have lots of work to do. So I needed a outlet for it without actually playing the games, cause then nothing would ever get done.


Fuck yeah!

I found a way.

They are amazing Soundtracks, i suggest you all go get them right now. In fact, no I suggest you listen to them. I’m blinded by the fact I grew up on these games.

Speaking of Soundtracks, i got two others that are really good.









All Ace Combat OST’s are amazing, all of them!
And Fable, Fable is just Awesome I especially like the Bowerstone music.

Tuesday 25 November 2008

I did something strange last night.

I slept without pillows.
Well I say without, they were still there. Just not under my head.

Been having neck/back problems for ages now, nothing like ‘old-man ooooh my back’ syndrome. More sort of spine and neck making cracking noises too often for comfort.

Anyway, someone suggested instead of sleeping with my head on a pillow, sleep with it flat on the mattress and just hug a pillow for comfort.

Decided to see if it would work, I was so sleepy I'd have fallen asleep no matter what anyway.
It sort of worked, my neck hurts but it’s more of the good pain.
The ‘it’s getting better’ pain.

I’m gonna keep doing it, see what happens.

Oh and also.

Song makes me laugh.